How To Stay Positive

Every day we make a choice when we wake up. We choose to either think positively or negatively. When we are faced with challenges throughout our day, we can either stress over it or face it head on. Some may think this is easier said than done. I AGREE!


So where do we start? First, analyze your environment, your work, your hobbies, your habits. Do they push you, lift your spirits, and keep you happy and healthy? Next, most importantly, analyze they people in your life. Do they push you, lift your spirits, and keep you happy and healthy? If your answer is “no” to either of these questions, it’s time to make a change. In a simpler sense, if you place a piece of rotting fruit next to a fresh piece of fruit, eventually the mold and rot will spread to the fresh fruit.

Your environment, and the people in your life are the same way. Associating yourself with positive people breeds positivity in your own life. Putting yourself in an environment that is positive allows you to see your work or your hobbies in a brighter light. So before you lay your head down on your pillow, ask yourself “ What was something positive that happened today and how can I spread positivity tomorrow?” Not only will you help yourself by riding your life of rotting fruit, but you will spread positivity to others around you. Pay it forward. What will you choose?