Notes on Neurogenesis


Neurogenesis is the process of the brain creating new neurons that were not within the brain previous. This term is fairly new within the scientific world; for many years scientists believed that once a person became an adult it was impossible to produce new neurons within the brain. However, in the 1990s, after many years of research, it became recognized as a legitimate field of study. This new field is creating new possibilities in understanding how the brain works and ways to preserve our it into the later parts of life. 

Your brain is vital for life, it is used for countless things throughout the day, conscious and unconscious. It is thought  around 700 new neurons are produced within the brain each day. No two days are the same; every day is a new experience that creates new memories which are stored in the brain, which therefore creates new neurons. Beyond this standard amount, it is possible to boost the creation of new neurons through simple lifestyle practices. Thinking about how certain actions affect the brain will help you keep a healthy noggin. 

So you probably don't remember, at least I don't, when you first learned to read and write. These were pivotal parts of your growth as a child, unlocking a different part of the world. It may have taken a bit to learn but once you did, it was like riding a bike. Your brain is comfortable with this information. Have you ever tried to write something with your non-dominant hand? It’s difficult isn’t it. Your brain is not accustomed to doing this, so must concentrate in order for it to be legible. This new experience for the brain is creating new neurons. Boosting brain power is all about doing something that's challenging. While it may take more thought, it is working your brain to stay sharp. The idea to take away is to be open to try something new, get ready to open some new doors in your head:)