5 Step Morning Routine


Need a few tips on how to start your morning off for a stress free day? Look no further, here are 5 simple things to add to your morning routine.

⦁ Wake up earlier

⦁ Tidy your space

⦁ 10 minute movement session

⦁ Breakfast

⦁ Make a to-do list

You can set your day up to be as stress free as possible by simply adding these five things to your morning routine. Waking up earlier allows you to have more time in the morning before rushing out of the door. Having more time in the morning even if it is just a few extra minutes will greatly benefit you. Tidying up the space around you will allow for an area to think clearly. This might mean making your bed, washing and/or folding clothes, emptying the dishwasher, etc. Coming home to a tidy space after a long day of school or work will be greatly appreciated.

Taking just ten minutes or less to get your body moving in the morning will help you get through the day. Movement is medicine. It does not have to be any specific exercise or routine. It can be simply just dancing to your favorite songs for ten minutes. We have all heard the saying before that, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” but it is true. The meaning of breakfast translates to breaking your fast. Food is our fuel, so making sure to make the time to nourish your body will be an important step towards your stress free day.

Our minds can think clearer on a satisfied stomach rather than an empty one. The last thing you are going to want to add to your morning routine is making a to-do list. Having a list to refer to throughout the day will help you stay on track. Procrastination can get the best of us at times however, having a list on hand can keep you moving forward with your task. Looking at your tackled to-do list at the end of the day will leave you feeling accomplished and motivated to take on tomorrow.