Drank Water Today?


Water.. About 70% of the earth is covered by it, much like our bodies, which is also made up of around 70% water. Knowing this can lead you to believe that water is a very important part of the human experience. I mean, on average we can only survive around three days without it. It's so important, and it's a great thing to keep a part of your daily routine. Prioritizing drinking water instead of sugary alternatives is a huge step to a healthier lifestyle. You may even notice that you begin craving it! I really do believe this, when I religiously drink water, I feel like my body just wants more and more! Your body functions so much smoother when it's well supplied with water. There are countless reasons to drink it, literally it's amazing. 

Check out this website about the benefits of water, after you'll be heading to your pantry to fill up a water bottle. 16 Reasons Why Water Is Important to Human Health  I love reading about the benefits because it helps to show me what certain things are really doing in your body. I find that it creates more excitement about eating healthy; by creating a new perspective. Sometimes a new perspective is just what's needed for a positive change. Remember guys.. It’s all about small steps! You got this:)