Supercharge Your Night Routine


Night routines can seem to be things of fairy tales; and the thought of starting your own can be daunting. I know I am comfortable, however not fully satisfied, by binging Netflix until I go to bed as a way to unwind from the day. There certainly isn't anything wrong with watching your fav show, but free time can easily run away from you and before long it's the morning. Taking just a little time to yourself at night can bring so much joy to your life that you didn't even know was there!

I believe that big things come from small changes. Becoming mindful of how time is spent before bed is a small change in itself, as it is the first step in creating a positive night routine. Your routines don't have to be perfect or down to the minute, just do what works for you. Try some of these night time routines before bed to live your best life!



  •  I love listening to music while lying in bed. It relaxes me and I feel like I am activating some other part of my brain. Think of it like television for your ears. The brain is left to wander how it pleases, which is awesome after a long day of thinking. 


  • People have over 5,000 thoughts per day, some good and some that linger with us for longer than they should. Relaxation is what the mind wants after a day full of thinking, not necessarily thinking and writing about your thoughts more. Some of these thoughts however can be very influential. A part of growth is understanding and learning. Journaling is a way to remember things learned each day. It doesn't need to be a novel, it can be as simple as writing one sentence about your day!  

Taking a bath/shower

  • Taking a bath close to bedtime is a great way to unwind. It relaxes your muscles and changes your core body temperature, which helps you to fall asleep faster and have a better night's rest. It's also just super relaxing! 

Get ready for the Next day

  • Thinking about the day ahead relieves yourself of some stress in the morning. Already knowing what you are going to wear, your to-dos for the day, or having your breakfast planned can make for an easier day ahead. Become friends with your future self!