You're Kaling Me!


Kale is one of those foods that just scream “health”. This is for good reason though; kale is packed with vitamins and nutrients your body loves <3 (*throwback to the days without emojis*)  Eating kale doesn't have to feel like you're eating straight from a shrub, there's tons of ways to prepare it! You could eat it as a salad base, sauteed, or inside of your morning smoothie. For some motivation, here are some benefits of this powerhouse food.

  • Full of antioxidants 

    • These fight free radicals in your body; this means that it helps to protect your cells from harm

  • High amounts of Vitamin C, A, and K 

    • Vitamins that are awesome for your skin!

  • Loaded with Calcium

    • Fun fact, kale has more calcium than milk! Calcium keeps bones healthy and also keeps blood vessels working optimally. 

  • Has Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids

    • Fatty acids are great for your heart, brain, and also helps to fight inflammation. 

Quick Tip:

  • Always massage kale before eating, this allows it to be less tough and easier to eat. To do this, mix it with olive oil and lemon juice and then massage it for about a minute!