

Hit the slopes! Well, not exactly, but you can go skiing for exercise even without all that gear.

Cross-country skiers have excellent arm and leg endurance, as do ski walkers. Using a light-to-moderate intensity (thickness) rubber tube attached at shoulder level, stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the tubing with arms extended and hands gripping each end at your sides. Then, perform a stationary reverse lunge in a cycling manner, while simultaneously alternate pulling with each extended arm. Repeat by facing away from the tubing anchor, which is now placed in a low position. Perform and stationary forward lunges with alternating arm movements. Try 10 lunges in each direction.

Watch Mackie and April demo this move below.

Check out Mackie’s site to read more about the technique behind the exercises. Stay tuned to WWLTV every Wednesday to see more workouts you can do at home.